Part 23: Episode XX: In Which We Don't Fear the Reaper
Episode XX: In Which We Don't Fear the Reaper![](1-urick11.jpg)
Alright, Urick has now joined the party as the fourth and final playable character of the game. Urick also comes equipped with...
Drakengard 2 Weapon Stories posted:
A king who made offering to the reaper, hoping to live forever, commissioned this axe to act as an instrument of the gods. Its purpose: to sever the necks of beautiful young men and drink their blood in the reaper's honor. It has tasted the blood of many hundreds, and the reaper has prospered from these tributes.
For the first ceremony, the king chose two men and ordered one to execute the other. Every subsequent month, he would choose a new executioner to sacrifice the last. So it continued, year after year, executioner becoming sacrifice, until the month of the kings one hundred and fiftieth birthday.
The pair involved in the ceremony this month were best friends. When one had sacrificed the other, he turned to the king, crying and said: "I shall give my own life to the reaper. I shall walk the road to Hades with my friend." The he cut off his own head and the axe pierced the altar so deeply that none could remove it. The king's long life was at an end.
The axe finally found its way into the hands of Urick, where it once more provides sacrifices to the reaper. The cycle of blood which curses it cannot be halted - a secret known only by the reaper himself.
Description: The reaper's axe.
Traits: Excels at both linear and ground-sweep attacks.
Magic: "Deadly Fang" - Fangs of death slice through the earth, tearing enemies apart.
Urick: Metal as fuck.
Verse 3 - The Roadblock - Music: Impatience
We're immediately swamped by Knights of the Seal goons from all sides. Apparently entire platoons of them were on leave in town getting laid or something as they're now crawling out of the stonework. Let's try out our new ally, Urick, for a spin, shall we?
Urick is...fucking ridiculously good. He's got the strength and HP of Nowe, just shy of the speed of Manah, and just shy of the range of Eris. He doesn't get any buff against standard enemies like knights, but he can still kill any of them in about 3-4 hits just like our main hero even without them. In addition, his default combo with near all weapons ends in a whirlwind swing of his axe/sickle that has invincible frames, does a metric ton of damage, and has amazing crowd control. His magic ability is pretty shit, but otherwise he's a pretty great alternative to Nowe.
Urick can also keep up combos like nobody's business, as each swing of his axe has a huge arc spanning pretty much 180 degrees in front of him and he swings the thing slightly quicker than Nowe. Each swing also has a very satisfying slicing sound to punctuate his massive amounts of shit wrecking.
In addition, Urick's odd stance seems to make enemies swing their sword just shy of hitting him more often. He's sort of hunched down when standing still, but straightens himself up when attacking, causing foes to whiff their strikes more often than not. As if he needed an additional reason for being great.
In any case, the first Murder Meter is quickly run down thanks to our new purple haired buddy. Time for another chat...
We now need to fight our way to the northern gate to get the hell out of dodge. However, waiting there is a bunch of advanced heavy armed dudes and after them is an ogre. The Knights of the Seal is teamed up with monsters now since the curtain has been pulled on their whole corrupt antagonist angle and making new enemy types is too much effort.
Luckily, on top of Urick's already impressive display with cannon fodder mooks, the masked man also gets a huge buff against all monsters. Including ogres. Where one of these monsters would take Nowe a minute or so to take down, Urick can annihilate on in about twenty seconds. Jumping downward pounds will take about a quarter of one's life bar and their animation can immediately be rolled out of for another follow-up of ass kicking. And gods help an ogre if you get it kneeling by chopping at its ankles. Urick will take it down in one combo at that point.
On top of all this, I should mention that Urick regains HP when he's not in battle. Seriously, he's an amazingly good character.
Backtracking across the entire map again...
There are more ogres guarding the southern gate of town. I should mention that huge monsters like ogres and the like do not have friendly fire turned off. They'll bash other KotS as well as each other to the ground if their extremely poor AI is herded together. Which makes the simplest way of dispatching ogres is to just run off to one choke point of the map and let them beat each other to hell.
A ogre knocked off its feet counts as it being downed and so Urick does about 3x damage to them, leaving them pretty much instantly dead. Easy...
Following the ogre trio's demise by the Onimusha, the KotS bring in a goddamn minotaur to battle the party.
Minotaurs are a bit of a rare mini-boss. Gameplay wise, they're basically the ogres combined with the behemoth mid-boss from back in Chapter 2. Only with twice the speed of either of the two and it's not dumb enough to slam its head into walls when charging.
In any case, the minotaur is none too difficult to slay. Basically just running up with Urick, doing a downward slam, and then rolling away to avoid a charge or counter-attack before repeating is a more than effective way to deal with the beast. Once it's dead, a key appears to the southern gate.
However, once we reach the southern gate we are greeted with a welcoming committee of another half dozen Knights of the Seal. But fret not. Despite that new mob, the mission has concluded as soon as we step through to fight them...
Click to view cutscene
We swap over to FMV land as Manah notices a strange man in the crowd behind the armored Knights of the Seal soldiers barring the party's path.
Caim's status: Loving this shit!
Manah's pants status: Thoroughly shat!
Verse 3 Cutscenes
Caim Introduction (You should definitely watch this!)
Caim and Angelus Poster - Keepin' it real.